Necromancer book cyberpunk

Is Neuromancer a good book?

It is among the most-honored works of science fiction in recent history, and appeared on Time magazine's list of 100 best English-language novels written since 1923. The novel was also nominated for a British Science Fiction Award in 1984. Neuromancer is considered "the archetypal cyberpunk work".

How is Neuromancer cyberpunk?

With the publication of his first novel, Neuromancer (1984), Gibson emerged as a leading exponent of cyberpunk, a new school of science-fiction writing. Cyberpunk combines a cynical, tough “punk” sensibility with futuristic cybernetic (i.e., having to do with communication and control theory) technology.

What is the story of Neuromancer?

Neuromancer is a cyberpunk novel about a group of mercenary criminals who secretly work for an artificial intelligence that's trying to break free. Cyberpunk is a genre that focuses on future societies where technology has advanced, but crime and corruption have as well.

Is cyberpunk based on Neuromancer?

Cyberpunk is not based on Neuromancer, nor is it based on Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Cyberpunk is based on the novel 'Hardwired' by Walter Jon Williams. Shadowrun is based on Neuromancer, and even uses terms directly from it, to the point that Gibson was able to Sue Shadowrun and won the case.

Is Neuromancer standalone?

Dain It is by far the least standalone of the three. Neuromancer would be the best bet for a standalone, though Count Zero would be fine too. Mona Lisa Overdrive leans quite heavily on the assumption that you've at least read Neuromancer.

Is Neuromancer hard sci fi?

Hard SF”, that part of the genre that is all about the science, has a problem with storytelling. … Which leaves Neuromancer almost alone and entirely unmatched in the the tiny field of hard SF books written by people who actually know how to write, and how to tell a great story.

Why is Neuromancer important?

Neuromancer is important because of its astounding predictive power. Gibson's core idea in the novel is the direct integration of man and computer, with all the possibilities (and horrors) that such a union entails.