85 dba noise exposure

The NIOSH REL for noise is 85 decibels, using the A-weighting frequency response (often written as dBA) over an 8-hour average, usually referred to as Time-Weighted Average (TWA). Exposures at or above this level are considered hazardous. OSHA sets legal limits on noise exposure in the workplace.

How long can you be exposed to 85 decibels?

8 hours For example, you can listen to sounds at 85 dBA for up to 8 hours. If the sound goes up to 88 dBA, it is safe to listen to those same sounds for 4 hours. And if the sound goes up to 91 dBA, your safe listening time is down to 2 hours.

What does 85 decibels sound like?

85 decibels is a noise or sound level equivalent to that of a food blender, heavy traffic while you are in the car, a noisy restaurant, or a cinema. As you can see, there are plenty of situations in everyday life when we are exposed to high noise levels.

Is 85 dB too loud?

Decibel Level​ Sounds at or below 70 dBA are generally considered safe. Any sound at or above 85 dBA is more likely to damage your hearing over time. Researchers have found that people who are exposed over long periods of time to noise levels at 85 dBA or higher are at a much greater risk for hearing loss.

What does a daily personal exposure of 85 dBA mean?

Daily exposure to noise is a measure of the average noise energy that you hear during a day. … Noise exposure is measured in such a way that 85 dB (A) represents twice the exposure of 82 dB (A). The following sound levels constitute a daily exposure to noise of 85 dB: 85 dB (A) for eight hours. 88 dB (A) for four hours.

Is 80 dB safe?

Is 80 dB Safe for Your Hearing? 80 decibels is considered potentially harmful to your hearing. Especially if exposure exceeds 8-10 hours/day. The maximum noise level you can be exposed to without having to worry about hearing damage or potential hearing loss is 70 decibels over a 24-hour period.

Is 80 dB too loud?

But any sound that is loud enough and lasts long enough can damage hearing and lead to hearing loss. A sound's loudness is measured in decibels (dB)….Topic Overview.

NoiseAverage decibels (dB)
Heavy traffic, window air conditioner, noisy restaurant, power lawn mower80–89 (sounds above 85 dB are harmful)

How far away can 80 dB be heard?

100 feet As a general rule, if a sound is 80 dB at the source, its intensity will decrease by 6 dB each time the distance from the source doubles. Therefore, under normal conditions, you will probably be able to hear an 80 dB up to 100 feet or 30 meters.